Balance & Consistency

The basics of macronutrients and portion size

Lara Faucher, Health and Life Coaching LLC

This eBook is in PDF format and $30 to download to your device.

In a world filled with fad diets and conflicting nutritional advice it is not surprising to feel overwhelmed and lost when it comes to nourishing your body. It is my desire to support you, offer hope, and create possibility by sharing an approach that focuses on balance and consistency. My desire is to guide you towards a sustainable and fulfilling relationship with food, where nourishing your body becomes an act of self-love and care. At my core I am passionate for you to experience a new healthy relationship with yourself, God, and others and yes, food and hydration play a role in this!

This simple resource you are holding in your hands is meant to shed light on two basic components of nutrition. First, the three macro nutrients - what they are, where you can get them in your daily diet and why you need them. Second, portion size - without getting completely caught up in measurements and tracking tools. Measurements and tracking tools can at times serve a purpose but they can become more overwhelming than beneficial. I invite you to explore the transformative impact that balanced nutrition and consistency with macronutrients can have on your overall well-being. You can use this tool as a stand alone resource or partnered with my Balance and Consistency Nutrition Journal which encourages the use of small balanced meals with the macros spread consistently throughout your day.

My prayer in both my coaching and these resources is that you grow in knowledge and that you experience peace and joy in relationship to your physical body because you truly are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your body was designed and woven together to provide and sustain you for the purpose of living life with energy and fullness! There is so much possibility when it comes to eating with solid nutrition. So let’s get started with grabbing hold of 3 basic needs that your body has: protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.


Lara Faucher

Certified Nutrition Coach, NASM
Certified Professional Life Coach

eBook - Balance & Consistency

Price: $3.95

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Lara Faucher is a NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, Independent OPTavia Coach, and PCCI Certified Professional Life Coach based in West Michigan!

Whether you’re going through major life transitions, looking to take control of your health and habits, or seeking tools to maintain strong relationships, I want to work with you and see you succeed!
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