Meet Your Coach

My story is one of waiting far too long to address the growing sense of unrest and imbalance in my life. I was a burnt out believer who was also a successful leader, independent, driven, busy mom, wife, creative artist involved in ministry with passion and deep love for Jesus. And yet, there was often this nagging feeling that something might break if I stopped for even a moment. On the outside, everything seemed great and I suspect looked great most of the time, but internally, I was often anxious and driven to do more, be more, and control more. Then, one day, everything just fell apart. My life's bucket which consisted of ministry and family was too full, and it had to tip! The fallout was painful and affected many people, both in my inner and outer circles. Because of this painful break which took years to recover from through counseling and a LOT of hard work repairing relationships around me, my heart is to help my clients become more aware of and appreciate that growing sense of imbalance inside of them BEFORE this breaking happens. In fact this courageous work of Health and Life Coaching supports the rapidly growing mental health industry by alleviating the burden on overworked therapists and counselors and the long waiting lists for those in need of clinical assistance. I partner with burnt out believer who sense that something needs to shift and change in order to thrive going forward.

As a compassionate coach and teacher at heart, with a background in Christian education, performance, ministry, and coaching certifications, I focus on supporting clients in creating greater physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. I believe that when you live with integrity and prioritize personal growth, your relationship with others, with the Lord, and with yourself can actually thrive - not just survive. I am passionate and committed to keeping my services affordable and offer non profit, ministry discounts as well as financial assistance for those who qualify. Please reach out and let's start a conversation. 

For more details about my background, education, experience in ministry, training as a professional in classical ballet, and any awards and certifications, please click here to view my resume. link to resume

With kind regards - Lara Faucher, CPLC