Are you feeling discouraged?

Are you feeling discouraged?

Friend, Are you feeling  discouraged today? 

Let me encourage you to pick up the book "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom. During my recent trip to Europe with my mom, we had the incredible opportunity to visit the Corrie Ten Boom Museum, which is actually her house in Haarlem, Netherlands. This is the place where she,along with her father and sister, hid several Jews during World War II and helped run the “underground” with the Dutch resistance. The experience felt like a holy moment, one of those instances where I realize that all the worries and stresses in my  life suddenly seem so small in light of such a great hero of faith. I need these moments to wake me and possibly, so do you?

In Hebrews 12:1-2, it says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." The scriptures prior to this one talk about being surrounded by witnesses who persevered through so much. Corrie Ten Boom's biography is a powerful example of someone who ran a race marked with great trials, hardships, and heartache, yet she leaned into the word of God for her source of life.

So, if you're feeling discouraged today, whatever is causing anxiety and worry, my prayer for you (and myself) is that you would be able to look outside of your circumstances - outside of your surroundings and find Hope in His word. That His word would become life giving for you as it did for Corrie. Hearing the historical account and seeing the space where incredible courage, resolve, and unshakable reliance on God took place was a reminder that I too can carry on and live life as a testimony to His saving grace and undeniable relentless love. It was a gift of perspective.

It could be easy to shame or belittle myself for the things I worry about, but that would be a sneaky lie from the enemy to cause distraction. Instead, I am reminded to turn my eyes to the Lord and thank Him for giving me an example of someone so courageous, someone who was willing to lay down their life and put Christ first, even at the expense of their own safety, provision, and well-being. 

When I see this example lived out as I read her autobiography, it takes my eyes off of my light and momentary troubles and helps me fix my gaze on the sustainer, the one who has given US life, the one who is above all else. This is HOPE, everlasting through all things, plenty or in want. As Jesus said in John 16:33, "In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world."

So, no matter what you're facing today, no matter the hardships, anxieties, or worries pressing in on you, may something or someone remind you of things that are so much bigger than our temporary troubles. Whether it's this blog, the book "The Hiding Place," or the stories of those who have run great races of faith before us, let's learn from them and listen to the wisdom they have gained through their own hardships that ultimately turn us back to the Living Word of God through all time. 

With that, my friend, may the Holy Spirit equip you to persevere, to carry on, and to keep running the race. Look up, fix your eyes on your Savior, and draw strength from those who have gone before you. You are not alone, and you have the power to overcome.

🐢Turtle On🐢 

Lara Faucher 

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