Group Coaching

Waiting for Hope

Friends, it is the first Sunday of Advent, a time of anticipation and preparation for the arrival of Christ. In church history traditions, the first candle lit is the Prophecy Candle, symbolized by the color purple, representing hope. This candle reminds us of the promises in scripture, particularly in the book of Isaiah. Advent, derived from the Latin word "adventus," means arrival.

During this season, we eagerly await the arrival of Christ, our savior. Hope, or "Kavah" in Hebrew, is a word that holds deep meaning for me. Biblical hope goes beyond mere optimism or positive thinking. It is a hope that surpasses our circumstances. In the Old Testament, people were encouraged to look backwards, to remember. By looking back, they could recall God's faithfulness, provision, and presence. This remembrance gave them the courage to move forward and live in the present.

It's easy for me to become distracted by the many "arrivals" in my life, such as Amazon packages, the return of my children, or bills to pay. It's also easy to constantly seek after "better days" or "more." However, as I write this, I am taking a moment to breathe deeply and pause. I confess my human nature and commit to redirecting my attention to remembering.

Dear friends, I want to remind you of hope. Hope for you, hope for me, and hope for the one you long for. Let us remember backwards, reflecting on God's faithfulness, so that we may find the courage to face the present with hope.

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Lara Faucher is a NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, Independent OPTavia Coach, and PCCI Certified Professional Life Coach based in West Michigan!

Whether you’re going through major life transitions, looking to take control of your health and habits, or seeking tools to maintain strong relationships, I want to work with you and see you succeed!
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