
A Spider's Masterpiece

A Spider's Masterpiece

spider web 800x1067As I was out on a walk today passed by this beautiful pine tree and caught the sunshine glistening on this spider web. I had to stop and take a photo.

This non professional photo of mine just barely captures this Spider's masterpiece.

It was breathtaking.

So specific and exact.

If this spider can spin a web that is so intricate and precise how is it that you and I still doubt that God is this precise and amazing with each of us?

You read and maybe possibly even have memorized:

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that for well. Psalm 139:13,14 (NIV)
You believe this for others right?

What keeps you from believing this for yourself?

The more I have studied the human body, the more I can confidently say that this scripture is solid gold. But the more time I spend in this health and life coaching field the more I realize that emotional eating and addiction to refined sugar and flour is robbing so many people from declaring this confidently.

food psalmsWithin the church, food is one of the few addictions that is allowed and accepted without judgement or talk from the pulpit. But just like other addictions it is hurting us. It is creating dependency and physically hurting many. The presence of "sweet treats" is often considered an act of love, a way to serve.

Bible Studies, Youth Group, after church services, home groups all cultivate this behavior. And yet, within the church, so many struggle with shame around eating.

food noI hear many clients express their desire for freedom but wrestle with the inner chatter: "why can't I stop at just one?"

Friend, how can we address nutritional health within church rather than leaving it off the topics of discussion? How can we support those in church who we know struggle with food addiction and emotional eating?

It's bigger than any one of us individually can take on but we can start with ourselves individually. Like any addiction or vice you need a network of support. You can build a plan for sobriety. You can learn how to feel, navigate emotions and stress without, as a client of mine says: "eating the house." However, I have discovered that this is never very successful if attempted alone and without community.

And for those who don't relate to this struggle, trust me, you can support others who wrestle in shame and darkness by loving and serving with healthy alternatives.

You are a masterpiece. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Song link:Wonderfully Made, Ellie Holcomb

Take time to unpack this. I know this isn't easy but it is foundational for you to thrive.

Lara Faucher

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