
Drawn to the Holiness of God

europe IMG 5631 blogIn this moment, I find myself blessed with an extraordinary opportunity to embark on a journey with my 80-year-old mother, as I celebrate my own 50th birthday. Together, we are traveling the Rhine River, and every step of the way is filled with awe-inspiring beauty. My senses are awake, from the vibrant hues that surround us to the intricate architecture of the buildings, and even the tantalizing flavors of the local cuisine. Engaging with people who speak different languages is a delightful reminder of the diversity and wonder of God's creation.

Amidst this remarkable experience, one thing stands out to me: the abundance of cathedrals that grace each town and village we encounter. Ranging from modest and unassuming to grand and ornate, these sacred structures beckon us to explore them. It amuses my mother and me that after visiting one cathedral, we are irresistibly drawn to the next, even though they often have many similarities. There is an indescribable allure and beauty within them that compels us to step inside and immerse ourselves in their sacred atmosphere.

europe IMG 5616 blogeurope IMG 5623 blogeurope IMG 5560 blogCathedrals possess an air of mystique and intrigue from their exterior. They are a rarity in America, where most churches embrace a more contemporary design or simply rent a space for worship. While I firmly believe that a building does not define or encapsulate the essence of the church or for that matter the body of Christ, I cannot deny the breathtaking beauty of these cathedrals. Through their soaring arches, flickering candlelight, and carefully arranged pews, sculptures, and intricate art they evoke a sense of reverence reminiscent of the description of the Holy of Holies and the ancient temples of the Old Testament. These magnificent works of art were crafted to reflect the living presence of God.During the era of many cathedral constructions, stained glass windows were adorned with depictions of biblical stories and revered saints. They served as visual narratives, showcasing the beauty and impact of these holy figures, as well as the spreading of the Gospel. I recall attending the church of my childhood, where there were still stained glass windows on the sides of the walls.These windows portrayed the parables of Jesus on one side and the story of His birth, crucifixion, and resurrection on the other. As a young child, I found these windows more captivating and meaningful than the sermons I heard. They taught me about my precious Jesus in a simple but vividly profound way that to this day I can still see in my memory.

There is something profoundly significant about the holiness of God that draws people to cathedrals, even when they are on vacation or a sightseeing tour. It transcends mere historical interest or admiration for the architects who constructed these sacred spaces, for they too were flawed and imperfect. Yet, the cathedrals themselves possess an awe-inspiring quality that compels us to lift our gaze up and off of ourselves. As we redirect our eyes upward, our hearts, souls, and minds are likewise lifted towards the things that transcend the temporal and mundane.

europe IMG 5195 blogeurope IMG 5490 blogeurope IMG 5559 blogSo, regardless of your present location or circumstances, I encourage you to cast your eyes upward. What do you behold? Is it the majesty of the clouds, the intricate beauty of nature, or perhaps a magnificent structure like a cathedral, which stands as a testament to the boundless creativity and craftsmanship of our Creator? Today, as you read these words, know that our hearts remain restless until they find their rest in the One who lovingly fashioned us. This brings to mind the timeless words of St. Augustine, "Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You." And from scripture I recall these two verses that seem to fit so well:

Hebrews 12:2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…”

Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

Cast your gaze upward today…steady, consistent, perseverance in all things.❤️ Turtle on - Lara


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