
The Safety of Boundaries

The Safety of Boundaries

Scripture: Psalm 16:6 (NIV)

"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

Yesterday I witnessed this little baby cow standing on the road, having wandered outside its fence. He was adorable but I couldn't help wondering whose cow was this? Where was the farmer?  

This reminded me of the delicate balance between freedom and safety. The cow, though momentarily free from the boundaries, was exposed to greater risks and potential harm.

In my life I can find myself tempted to push against the boundaries set around me. Maybe you relate? You and I may believe that breaking free from limitations will bring us true freedom and fulfillment.

Boundaries are not meant to restrict or confine us; rather, they are designed to protect and guide us. In Psalm 16:6, the psalmist acknowledges that the boundary lines have fallen for them in pleasant places. They recognize that these boundaries are not limitations imposed by a harsh authority, but rather a loving provision from God.

God, in His infinite wisdom, has set boundaries in my life. In your life. He has done this for our own well-being. These boundaries may come in the form of moral guidelines, principles, or even physical limits. They serve as guardrails, keeping you and I on the path of pursuing a relationship with God, self and others. They can protect us from harm. From shame.

I can not speak for you but only for myself. When I push against these boundaries, I risk straying into dangerous territory. Just as the cow on the road was exposed to potential harm, I too can find myself vulnerable to the consequences of my choices. However, when I honor and respect the boundaries set by God, I find safety, peace, and rest for my heart and soul. 

Embracing the safety of boundaries does not mean that I am living a life devoid of freedom. Instead, it allows me to experience true freedom within the parameters of God's loving guidance. It is within these boundaries that I have found and continue to find fullness of life, purpose, and a joy that supersedes my circumstances. 

Are there areas where you are being tempted to push against God's guardrails? How might stepping into community help you re-engage boundaries that are not meant to restrict you, but protect you?


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for setting boundaries in my life to protect and guide me. Help me to recognize the value of these boundaries and to honor them. Give me the courage to reach out today for support. Grant me the wisdom and discernment to navigate within the safety of Your loving guidance. In Jesus' name, Amen.


How can you apply the concept of boundaries in your own life? 

How can scripture help guide you as you seek to live within His loving boundaries?

Is there anyone in your life today that you can take the next step of asking for help? 

Written by: Lara Faucher, CPLC

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